In the last few years, various companies have heavily invested in PPC automation. This has given rise to plenty of automation options available from automating campaigns, suggesting ad copies, automating campaigns and campaign analysis and reporting. To succeed in PPC automation, you have to follow certain best practices.

You might find various companies online that provide CRM or PPC related services. Blurn is one company that has well-experienced experts who could provide you with website and mobile phone related services. However, all such services would be provided at a reasonable rate and it would help the brand make huge profits online.

If you are interested in marketing automation services, check out the link provided:

If you need PPC related services, you could find the link provided:


Read on to identify a few best practices you could follow when it comes to PPC automation as it can help reduce wastage and improve conversions.

  • Identify the Automation Goal

Before you begin automating the PPC campaign, you should identify what you should achieve from automation – whether it is a challenge like being unable to find the apt keywords that should reach the target audience or is it some process you need to improve with the help of automation.

Automation capabilities might differ based on the tools used. Identifying what to achieve from automation would help you identify the right tools. Various PPC activities could be automated such as identifying keywords, managing bids, making copies, reporting and testing ads. The longer it takes to complete; the better candidate it is for automation.

  • Invest in the right technology

Speaking of search engine marketing (SEM) automation or PPC, it is crucial to empower the team with the right tools and technology. As PPC campaigns have become more sophisticated, more automation options would be available. Hence, it is very important to identify the right automation tools.

Other than the search engine’s in-house tools which you might make use of, it is always good to have a few third-party tools and that could help you reduce ad spend wastage, save time and improve campaign performance. You could consider using third-party tools like SEMrush PPC toolkit, Swydo, Wordstream and so on to carry out various PPC automation activities. All such tools help in improving the campaign to achieve good results.

  • Feed the right data

To make the automation work correctly, the platforms and tools should make use of corrections so that they could make the right decisions. You could set up smart campaigns if you could provide data from existing campaigns. Smart tools can learn from the existing data. You can run more iterations and the automation tools could learn from them. The best data for your tools would be to learn conversion data like click-through rate cost per click number of clicks cost per acquisition and lifetime value. Other data you could collect includes the number of phone calls receiving the lead forms field and order being completed and the volume of conversions to clicks. You might want to measure how many times a user clicks your ad before converting. However, you should keep in mind that some types of conversions are more insightful when compared to others and you should know how to identify them. Some CTA could be more valuable than just clicking the ad. If you are unaware of the action for conversion data that is more valuable, you might feel the toll with wrong data that would bring in unsatisfying results.

  • Make use of automated bidding strategies

The PPC campaign could be more than just copy and keywords. The right ads are needed to match the right audience. This will take significant planning and research regarding audiences’ buyer persona, journey and interests. If the build fails to match what they are looking for or is not on point, the campaigns would also fail to perform well. Also, if your bid is very high, it might easily eat into the ad spend and increase acquisition costs. If it is very low, you might be missing out on high-value potential customers. Hence, you should consider using automated bidding strategies. Such strategies could help you identify the right bids you could use to improve your results at an affordable price. You could make use of various automated bidding strategies that could include maximising the conversions, targeting CPA and maximising the clicks. Maximizing clicks strategy would focus on gaining as many clicks as possible from the particular but that you might have set. You could keep the bid cap (normally 10%) of what you set as a daily budget. Maximize conversion strategy focuses mainly on increasing the conversions for the pre-set budget. To succeed here, you should have enough data and conversion tracking installed. Target CPA strategy focuses on optimising the bids to drive maximum conversions but at a target CPA which you define. In this strategy, you can decide how much the conversions should be priced.

  • Keep monitoring campaign performance

Just because the PPC campaigns are automated does not mean that the work is done. This is because just like tools and humans, algorithms have their limitations and flaws. Tolls make decisions based on logic and data while campaign optimisation would require both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Automation could make campaign optimisation and management faster. While this could be an advantage, things might go wrong very fast as well. If you depend completely on automation to do everything for your campaign, you might see diminished results, negative ROI and a loss on the campaign spending. Hence, you should keep an eye on how the automated campaign performs. If you have a new automated campaign or parts of it, the results and progress might not be immediately evident. In such situations, you should use the automation tool across a few iterations of a single campaign before the gain from it gets visible. You should remember that your metrics, goals and strategy should inform the tool and not the other way around. Tracking all such metrics over time would help you determine the ROI on automation.
