The new domain extensions have been around for a while now, and they’re finally starting to pick up steam. However, not every business or individual has jumped on board just yet. So how do you know if it’s time for you to go ahead and make the switch? And what happens when you do? What Sydney’s best seo agency has to say about it? Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of using one of these new extensions in today’s SEO environment:

What Google’s Algorithm Thinks of the New Domain Extensions 

If you’re not trying to rank on Google, you don’t have much to worry about. However, Google is still using some of the new domain extensions in search results—just not in organic listings. Local businesses can use them to advertise their business name as well as their address and phone number; certain kinds of businesses can use them for email addresses (like banks and hospitals).

That said, if your company uses one of these domain extensions for its website’s main URL—the one that shows up at the top of search results—then it might be worth making sure that you’re using another extension for other pages on your site (like subpages) so that the SERP listings are consistent across all pages.

SEO Benefits to the New Domain Extensions

By using a new domain extension, you will be able to stand out from your competitors. A research study by Sydney’s best seo agency mentioned that “domain extensions can give your site an additional ranking boost in search results.” This means that if you are trying to rank for something like “[SEO keyword] for beginners,” having a .guru or .com/beginner might help your rankings!

New domain extensions also help you get more links because sites like Wikipedia or Reddit will link to websites with new domain extensions. You want this kind of link building because it helps Google see that there are other websites linking back to yours, and thus it increases the chances of you getting higher rankings in SERPs (search engine results pages).

Another benefit of using these new domains is that they allow you to show people what type of business or service you offer, as well as direct them towards landing pages where they can learn more about what makes your company special before buying anything at all. That way, customers don’t have any confusion about why they came across your website while searching online!”

What About Local Search? 

As more people use mobile devices to search for local businesses—and as Google continues to integrate local search into its algorithm—it’s becoming increasingly important to have a .local domain.

One study by Sydney’s best seo agency found that companies with a .local domain had an average increase in traffic of 67% compared to those without one. And it’s not just about earning you more traffic: Google also gives preference to websites that have their own unique domain name, so by getting your own .local website, you’ll be able to set yourself apart from competitors who share a generic top-level domain (TLD).

If you’re not convinced yet, here are three facts that show why having your own .local site is worth the effort:

  • Local search will continue to grow over time, even though it already accounts for nearly half of all mobile searches in some countries.
  • Users tend to prefer branded domains when they’re looking for specific information about businesses in their area, as opposed to general listings like Yelp or Tripadvisor.
  • Most small business owners don’t think about getting their own domain until after someone else beats them to it and takes their business name!

What Happens if You Switch Domains? 

Switching from one domain provider to another means you’ll have a new website address, and, as a result, your site will have a higher level of trust, authority and consistency.

It’s important to note that even though your site may seem “new” when it’s actually moved across on the same domain name, this doesn’t mean that all of these metrics will drop drastically (or at all). In fact, many SEOs say that having an established history under one name still carries over into its new location.

So far, we’ve learned about why switching domains can be beneficial for businesses looking to get more out of their online presence—but what happens if you don’t want or need to change?


If you’re going to create a new website, you should consider your options and make sure it has the best chance of being found by potential customers. The new domain extensions can be a great way to stand out from the crowd, but they also come with their own challenges, like not being as easy to remember or spell.