Sometimes, people get sick and die. It’s sad, but it happens all the time. And although we have many options for treating illness, sometimes there aren’t any treatments left to try—and that’s when End of life care comes into play.

We’re here to help you support your loved ones as they navigate this difficult time in their lives. Whether they’re getting ready for treatment or receiving hospice care at home or in a nursing facility, caring for someone with a terminal illness can be stressful and scary. We’ve put together some tips below on how you can help them through this process with love and compassion:

Being a companion.

You can be a companion to your loved ones by being there for them. This means listening to them, encouraging them to talk about their feelings, providing emotional support and respecting their choices.

Being a good listener is one of the most important things you can do for someone who is dying or has already died. Your loved one may not want to talk much at first but just knowing that someone will listen if they need it will help him or her feel better. If the person does want to talk about what’s happening in his/her life right now, try not interrupting with advice or questions–just let him/her say whatever comes naturally before jumping back into conversation yourself (if necessary).

Finding caregivers.

To find the right caregiver, you need to know what to look for. Here are some questions that can help:


  • Does your loved one have any special needs? (e.g., dietary restrictions or mobility issues)
  • How many hours a day do they need care? Do they prefer someone who will come during the evening hours when they’re more likely to be asleep? Or would it be better if someone came during the day so that they can spend time together?
  • Will there be times when no one is home and only one person needs help with tasks like bathing or dressing? If so, how often does this happen? It’s important for caregivers to understand what their role will entail so that they can plan accordingly–and make sure that both parties are comfortable with it!

For more information about how we screen our caregivers before hiring them into our network of providers, click here .

Helping your loved ones stay connected and informed.

You can help your loved ones stay informed about their condition and connected to their family and friends by providing them with information about their disease, encouraging them to keep their mind active, and helping them stay connected.

  • Provide information about the disease. If your loved one has been diagnosed with a progressive illness, it’s important that they have a clear understanding of what this means for their future. You may need to explain how different symptoms will progress over time or what lifestyle changes they might need to make as the disease progresses. It’s also helpful if you can provide literature on treatment options so that they know exactly what treatments are available and which ones would be best suited for them personally (if any).
  • Encourage mental stimulation activities like reading books or playing games together as a way of keeping both minds sharp while also providing an opportunity for bonding time between loved ones who may not get enough opportunities otherwise due to busy schedules at work/school etcetera .


If you’re caring for a loved one who is nearing the End of life care, it can be a challenging time. You want them to feel supported and cared for. The more you know about what they need from you and others, the better prepared you’ll be to provide that support. If your loved one isn’t ready or able to ask for help, find out what other resources are available in your community so that when they do need assistance, there will be someone there ready for them.
