If you are an eCommerce company, then you need to be aware of Google Trends. This is a popular tool used by Professional SEO Company Canberra that can help you determine how popular your product or service is and what keywords people are searching for in order to find more information. 

In this article, we will look at some tips on how to use Google Trends for your SEO strategy.

Do keyword research on Google Trends.

Google Trends is a great place to start as per Professional SEO Company Canberra when doing keyword research. It’s free, easy to use and provides data on searches over time. 

You can see how your site’s pages or content has been performing in relation to other sites’ pages or content. You can also see which keywords are most popular for each month of the year by using this tool!

Google’s Keyword Planner tool is another option for finding out what people type into search engines like Google about topics related to your business or product offering. The best part? It’s free (and very easy).

Professional SEO Company Canberra

Analyze the trends for related keywords

Google Trends is a great tool for finding related keywords and associated queries. By looking at the trends for related search terms, you can get an idea of what people are searching for and when they are searching for it.

For example, if you’re selling coffee mugs, look up “coffee mug” on Google Trends and see what time of year has the highest number of searches for it (or any other product). Then look at how many people are using this word in conjunction with “coffee”, or even more specifically “, buy”. 

You’ll likely see that during the winter months, there’s a spike in demand for coffee mugs—and then again during summertime when people want to cool off by having some hot drinks with their friends!

If there isn’t enough information available yet because you haven’t launched yet, then try looking at seasonal trends instead (such as Christmas gifts). 

There could be many reasons why certain products become popular during certain times, so analyzing these kinds of things could help inform your decisions about whether or not something should be included within future campaigns too!”

Look at associated queries – closely analyze subtopics

You can also look at related queries.

If you’re selling a product that requires assembly, then it’s likely that people will ask questions such as: “How do I assemble this?” or “Which screws go where?” which are great opportunities for the eCommerce website owner to promote their products and services.

Check out rising searches to get in early on profitable products

Professional SEO Company Canberra suggests checking out rising searches to get in early on profitable products. If you’re looking for a specific keyword, use Google Trends to find out what people are searching for and where they are searching. You can also see which cities have the most interest in certain topics and which topics are trending.


If you’re not already using Google Trends to improve your eCommerce SEO strategy, I encourage you to do so. It can be an incredibly powerful tool for finding new keywords or even finding ways to use existing ones in new ways. 

For example, if someone is searching for a “backpack” but doesn’t actually want a backpack (maybe they want a hat instead), then you might want to research related keywords such as “backpack hat” or even “backpack head cover.” 

You could also look at how often these terms are searched and try to figure out which terms have the most traction—these are the best candidates for future campaigns!
