If you’re the owner of a small business, it’s important to pay attention to SEO practices and implement them to your advantage. When implemented correctly, search engine optimization can help increase your website traffic and get more customers interested in what you have to offer. To help with your search engine optimization efforts, here are five proven practices to follow as you get started with SEO as a small business owner. If you own an expert seo agency Gold Coast, then keep on reading the blog till end!

1) Competitive Analysis

Before starting your search engine optimization, you need to know what’s out there. Do a competitive analysis of top-ranking sites in your industry. You’ll want to figure out how many links they have and what keywords they are using to attract customers—information that will help shape your SEO strategy.

2) Keyword Research

Optimizing your content is all about knowing what search terms will drive traffic to your website. Your content needs to answer questions users are typing into Google’s search bar—and that often means using keywords they’re already using. This step is crucial because if you don’t know what people are searching for, you can’t possibly write a post that answers their questions. To find out which keywords your audience uses, check out keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest.

local seo Gold Coast

3) Tag Smartly

Tags are a very easy way to increase your SEO, especially if you’re just starting out and your website doesn’t have much of an established presence. Tags work best when they’re specific to your business (but not too specific), related to content on your site and backed up by other pages throughout your site.

4) Write for Humans

To make your website friendly and accessible to Google, you must first write content that is appealing to humans. That means making sure it’s clear, relevant, and grammatically correct. The more you can focus on providing value and making it easier for users to find what they need on your site, the better! It also helps to read similar websites and analyse their structure, organisation, tone, language use (jargon vs. layman), length of posts/articles, etc., so that you can emulate their successful techniques while creating something unique and personalised for your brand.

5) Earn Links

Links are still one of the most crucial ranking factors, so you must make an effort to earn them. While inbound links take time and aren’t as easy to obtain as they used to be, there are still ways you can set yourself up for success. The best link-earning strategy is publishing high-quality content that people will want to share on their blogs, and using outreach strategies to get those links. 

If you don’t have a big audience yet, focus on earning links from sites with smaller audiences but bigger domain authority. If your expert seo agency Gold Coast isn’t ready for prime time yet, consider guest posting on other relevant websites or submitting your content to industry publications where editors can easily find it and decide whether or not to feature it.
