SEO is a complex topic that’s full of misinformation, but there are some simple rules you can follow to make sure your site is optimized for search engines. Hire expert seo services Gold Coast if you run a seo business. Here are  tips that will help attract new visitors and get them interested in your content:

Use your focus keyword in the first paragraph, then at least once in other places within the article

Using your focus keyword in the first paragraph, then at least once in other places within the article is a great way to make sure you are staying on topic. You don’t want to overuse it, or it will look spammy. Also, make sure not to use the keyword too many times in the same paragraph or sentence (this is important!).

Add alt text to images

A large part of SEO is making sure your content is accessible to both humans and search engines. One simple step you can take to improve your site’s accessibility is using alt text on images.

Alt text (short for alternative text) is an HTML attribute that specifies an image’s content. This lets screen readers and other assistive tech know what’s in the image so they can read it aloud or describe it in their own way. If you don’t include alt text, Google will try its best to make sense of what’s being displayed on a page—but this isn’t always reliable, especially if there are multiple images on a page with similar names or descriptions.

Here are some tips for writing effective alt text:

  • Use descriptive words instead of filenames—for example: “dog” instead of “dog2”
  • Keep it short—150 characters maximum
  • Make sure that any important information isn’t obscured by other elements on the page

Write naturally for your audience and use your keywords appropriately

When writing your content, it’s important to make it easy for people to read. Use short sentences and paragraphs and make sure that each sentence has a topic sentence that states what you’re going to talk about. When writing for search engines, use your keywords appropriately in the right places. 


Link to relevant pages within your content

Your readers will find what they are looking for if you link to relevant pages on your site. This will also help with internal linking and Google’s trust in your website. If someone is searching for information on “how to learn Spanish,” it makes sense for them to click on a link that goes directly where they need: Language lessons, grammar rules, etc.

Use headings to break up long posts

  • Headings should be descriptive, and they should include your focus keyword.
  • Be sure to use H1, H2, and H3 tags on each page of your post.
  • Keep the length of these short (no more than five words), but make sure they’re descriptive enough that readers know exactly what they’re reading about.

Get links from other websites – give them quality content and they’ll be happy to link to it

It’s a good idea to get a link if you can so that your site is seen as a legitimate source of information. Write quality content and ask people to link to it. You could also write articles or blog posts on the subject of your website and then email them directly to the editor of an authoritative blog in the same field. This will give you more exposure and increase traffic on your website.

SEO is about making sure people can find you online, but it’s also about being a good resource for those people once they get there!

  • Make sure your content is high quality. If you want to rank for competitive terms and phrases, then your content better be worth reading—and more than once. Your readers should be able to rely on what they read on your website or blog as accurate, useful information that helps them in their day-to-day lives.
  • Make sure your links are good. Links from sites outside of yours will help boost the authority of the pages linking back to your site as well as increase its credibility overall when Google sees that other sites trust yours enough to link back to it (inbound links). They’ll also make sure visitors can easily navigate around; so no matter where someone lands on one of these pages within this website network (or any other), there’s always an easy way back home!


We hope you’ve enjoyed our tips for making sure your content is seo-friendly. It can be easy to get lost in the weeds of technical details when trying to write for search engines, but remember that at its heart, SEO is about being a good resource for your audience. That means writing naturally (or at least not “keyword stuffing”), providing useful information and linking out to related topics—all things we believe make for good content anyway! consult expert seo services Gold Coast for more information.
